(LAST) Weekly Recap

Cannot believe that this is the last class! So excited to see what everyone has created and stories to tell

1. Photos on conflict and in my case clutter

2. Picking out my first potential photo for the photo essay, and was definitely used\

3. Some of the GIFS made for our final project

4. Final Photo Essay- MY PEOPLE


Response- “Masters of Photography:Diane Arbus”

Diane Arbus and “The Boy with a Toy Grenade in Central Park”

Diane Arbus’ method of photography was very interesting to learn about. Her photographs are all in black and white and all of people. I liked how the film used narration of Diane’s actual words over her photographs.

For a while I could not see the pattern in her photography. I thought that she was just taking pictures of people with interesting looks. But then it was revealed that she was purposefully taking photographs of people that society tends to look away from–the freaks, cripples, disfigured, old, etc. Her choice to direct her lens at these people who do not get direct eye contact on the street was heart warming. I like the idea of using a camera to make other people see what they otherwise refuse to. With her photographs she gave these people a moment of attention and a lifetime of notoriety as one of her subjects. Her thoughts on the lives of “freaks” gave a better insight as to whys she sought them as subjects for her photographs. Her notion that they were born with trauma, yes the rest of us have to experience it later in life makes sense. They have to grow up and live with something, something that she wished to photograph.

Diane Argus felt deeply for subjects, and these deep feelings as well as her own may have led to her death. However without her connections to her subjects, her photographs may have not been the same.


File Formats

Something that has been bothering me for a while is the number of different file formats that are available for photos. I never know which one is best for what type of photo or if they are even different at all.

According to Aziz .png is awful


In our projects thus far, I have JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PSD, PDF, MP4, MPEG, MP3. So I decided to look up what all the differences are.

Lets start with PNG. PNG is the default file extension for screenshots, which I take a lot of. It stands for Portable Network Graphics. PNG was developed to improve on GIFS actually. PNGs allow control for many transparency options. However, PNGs are not supported by older browsers. The most important thing about PNG though is that the format has lossless compression, so images do not lose clarity when compressed.

JPEG or JPG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group format. The format type can be made smaller than PNGs and were made specifically for photographs. When compressed( especially things with graphics) JPEGS will lose some of its clarity and sharpness in areas with high contrast. However, JPEG is pretty much the standard.


GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format is also a lossless compression format. But only supports a number of colors (256) which is why the coloring on them looks funny sometimes.GIFs are best used for simple animations and logos, things with not many colors.  Using an animation editor GIF images can be made into animations.


And there you go, the difference between GIFS, PNG, and JPG

With help from: Wikipedia, Webopedia